Customs Clearance

Customs Clearance and Compliance

Whether you need a simple Customs Entry and ISF 10 + 2 filing to classifying a new product line brought overseas, our team of in-house customs brokers work to keep your company compliant as well as saving on landed or true costs of importing.  Our full service customs brokerage team can underwrite single and continuous customs bonds, ATA Carnet for roundtrip trade shows or temporary import shipments.  Our skilled team can calculate duties, taxes and landed costs on all products entering the USA from any country in the world before they reach your front door, allowing more control over your cost to import goods.

  • ISF 10 + 2 Filing
  • Drawback Services
  • Special Trade Programs
  • ATA Carnet
  • Customs Compliance
  • Section 301 Tariff Expertise
  • 301 Tariff Exclusions Process